Geoengineering Watch Update

This is Important!

This is Serious! 

It’s long past time to Wake Up!

And Stop Hitting the Snooz Button!!

Dane Wigington is one of the guys that made the video “What in the hell are they spraying”.

Dane’s interview starts at about 39 minutes in. For the article and more info click.


Our world is dying!

From an article at GeoEngineering by Dane March 7, 2013.

The Weather Channel theater is getting ever more ridiculous.  The latest in a in a string of completely geoengineered snow events, “winter storm Saturn”, is as of this moment falling apart. The “meteorologists” are stumbling horribly as they try to explain why its 45 degrees and raining instead of dumping the “heavy wet snow” they had predicted. For any that are at all familiar weather radar, it is extremely easy to see the brief “flashing out” of rain to snow in some regions of this storm as the weather makers try desperately to make good on their “scheduled” snow event. Aircraft disbursements of unkown chemical ice nucleation materials are causing fozen precipitation in some regions of the storm, though for today, the sub tropical rain has overwhelmed the efforts of the geoengineers.. It is likely they will eventually get the rain to “change over” to snow (as they now say at the Weather Channel), we will see as the “winter storm Saturn” unfolds.

On the west coast the spraying continues. Much of the precipitation that would have fallen in the West is prevented from falling by heavily aerosolizing the storms. This keeps the moisture “in play” for continued manipulation for the next geoengineered storm which will likely be “winter storm Triton”.

A comment under the same article by Lee March 9/13

what percentage of weather is natural and what percentage is engineered these days?  eventually playing God and controlling Mother Nature will have devastating results – daily I am angry that the psychos and megalomaniacs not only control the banks, the corporations, our monetary system, tax us to death and lie while in the offices we elect them to, and take us to Wars we don’t want – THEY KNOW what’s going on with the planes in the skies and HAARP – Al Gore was on the Ellen show a month ago and he had the nerve to tell Ellen when she asked him about “scientists” wanting to spray chemicals via jet planes to reduce global warming – Gore’s response was “they are “thinking” about doing it – I think it’s nuts” – can anyone imagine this man NOT being aware of the weather control program that is going on and has been FOR YEARS?  Mr. Gore your soul is as black as the skies of our future will be unless this insanity is stopped immediately – my suggestion is:  these wackadoo people represent 3% of the population – the 97% worldwide who are mad as hell and don’t want to take it anymore should, in protest, take one day and call it the 97% Day of Revolution during a week day and simply STAY HOME – no transportation, no one shows up to work world wide just to show there is power in numbers – imagine how powerful we would all feel if we just took one day and shut down everything in protest to demonstrate how the tables could easily turn on the 3% who think of us all as obedient, dumb, uninformed, mind controlled by their controlled media, sheep!  stop the world I want to get off because it’s getting unacceptably insanely run by an out of control group of greedy lying bastards and bitches who have devised a system so evil it truly takes one’s breath away when you finally WAKE UP – it’s like we’re all in the Truman Show

Link to the article and comment at Geoengineering Watch Update

Home page link to Geoengineering Watch

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3 responses to “Geoengineering Watch Update”

  1. Martijn says :

    During daytime the chemtrailing seems to have decreased here lately. The daily chemtrail checkerboards you could often see in the sky on clear days seem to be over now, at least for the time being. The nightly activity, which is a little different with different type of planes, is still continuing non-stop.

    Salty, you sound alarmed. It seems that he, Dane, believes in global warming and that the Arctic is melting. I wonder how he could be so sure about that(?)
    I have some doubts whether some more of his alarming sounding data, like for example the supposed extinction of numerous species, is correct and accurate.
    Although there is no doubt that we live in deplorable, miserable circumstances.

    Yes, people are too busy with their daily survival procedures, like going to the supermarket, eat, work or chasing their kids. But then, sometimes I think that is just what they do…
    I personally don’t see why this whole charade needs to be maintained by all the slavery that sustains and feeds it.

    • Salty says :

      Hi Martijn,
      What I am is PISSED about what is happening on this planet.

      Personally I think we are headed for an ice age, and are in a ‘warm blip’ in the midst of an ice age. There are many articles about that on the internet but I don’t have the time to search for them right now.

      Also, there is a great volume of articles on the internet about tree, other plants, and animals dying, also DNA changes in both plants and animals, including humans.

      Life sure is rapid paced nowadays. Soon it’s going to be too late. If what is going on can be stopped it has to be now.

      It’s been cloudy here a lot but most days when I can actually see blue sky there are chemtrails there.

  2. Martijn says :

    Well, in any case, it’s winter again the past days in large parts of western Europe; cold and snowy. It’s also snowing here right at this very moment.

    Just looking at the chemtrail designs makes me already quite easily feel miserable.
    I bet that the chemtrail designs in itself also have an influence on those who are not aware of them. It’s like a veil of thick chemical fog draped above your head.

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