Alex Collier has Colon Cancer, is Homeless, and Needs Help

Be sure to read the UPDATE at the end of this post.
Yikes!! I can’t say for sure if any of this is true but it sure looks like it is! I haven’t really followed Alex’s work, I just watched a couple videos and read some things. I knew things were not going so good for him, and he was having a hard time but I didn’t know that he had colon cancer and that he and his family were homeless!! Go here to get details UPDATE: I just went to and there is nothing there about this. That doesn’t mean that it is a scam, but it  might be. I don’t know for sure. It just seems to me that James Harkin would post about it there. You’ll have to carefully check things out for your selves. Also it might be best to go directly to to donate. Here’s the link

Radioactivity from crippled Fukushima reactors turns up off B.C. coast

Excerpt from the article. “VANCOUVER — Radioactivity from Japan’s crippled nuclear reactors has turned up off the British Columbia coast and the level will likely peak in waters off North America in the next year or two, according to a Canadian-led team that’s intercepted the nuclear plume.” ……. To read the full article go to

Mystery of strange radio bursts from space

Excerpt from the article. “Mysterious radio wave flashes from far outside the galaxy are proving tough for astronomers to explain. Is it pulsars? A spy satellite? Or an alien message? BURSTS of radio waves flashing across the sky seem to follow a mathematical pattern. If the pattern is real, either some strange celestial physics is going on, or the bursts are artificial, produced by human – or alien – technology.”…….. To read the full article go to

Blood Moon: Total eclipse of the moon on April 4 2015!

BLOOD MOONThe Blood Moon is in the wee hours of the morning and the next Tetrad is April 15, 2015. There are 3 links below, and also if you want more information about Blood Moons, Tetrads, and prophecies related to them type Blood Moon(s), or Tetrad(s) in the search box above on the right side, or Google it.
For those of you interested in Astrology, Numerology, etc go to

Solar-system-wide climate change: Astronomy in need of major re-write as 1,000 km high dust clouds and spectacular auroras discovered on Mars

Excerpt from the article. … “This is the first discovery of dust or debris at orbital altitudes around Mars,” says Bruce Jakosky, a planetary scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the mission’s principal investigator. “It’s hard to understand how this stuff got here.” To read the full article go to


STORM Links below. Excerpts from the article. … This storm is underway now. … Since then, however, the storm has intensified to G4-class (Kp=8), ranking it as the strongest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle. To read more go to

Duncan O’Finioan Has A New Show – Shoot From The Hip

I haven’t listened to all yet but think it’s a weekly show and there are call in numbers. As far as I can tell the show is live Friday at 11:00 PM, but I don’t know if that’s PT, ET or Central time.  In the 1st show he clears some air about MK Ultra but the he gets into many other things like Cern, the Fay, and much, much more. All links are below.
His first show was Feb 28/15 (
March 6/15 (

Here’s the link to his website but right now it’s down for housekeeping